Aavin has reduced the price of 100 ml ghee from Rs. 85 to Rs. 75 in celebration of the festival season. This special offer, valid until September 15, 2024, coincides with Aadi month, Krishna Jayanthi, and Vinayagar Chaturthi. The discounted ghee is available at all Aavin milk booths and retail outlets across Tamil Nadu.
Aavin, a leading dairy brand managed by the Tamil Nadu government, has announced a reduction in the price of its ghee in time for the festival season. Known for its extensive range of high-quality dairy products, including milk, curd, ghee, butter, paneer, and ice cream, Aavin provides these goods through a widespread network of milk booths and retail outlets across Tamil Nadu.
In a festive gesture, Aavin has lowered the price of 100 ml of ghee by Rs. 10, bringing it down from Rs. 85 to Rs. 75. This special discount is part of the company’s customary practice of reducing prices on various dairy products during festival periods.
Festival Season Offer
Aavin’s price cut on ghee is introduced in anticipation of several significant festivals such as Aadi month, Krishna Jayanthi, and Vinayagar Chaturthi. This reduction aims to make Aavin’s products more accessible to the public during the festive season, when demand for traditional ingredients and offerings typically increases. The company has emphasized its commitment to affordability and customer satisfaction by aligning these discounts with key celebratory periods.
Discount Details
- Price Reduction: 100 ml of Aavin ghee reduced from Rs. 85 to Rs. 75.
- Validity: The discount is available until September 15, 2024.
- Festive Occasions: The price cut is in celebration of Aadi month, Krishna Jayanthi, Vinayagar Chaturthi, and other local festivals.
- Availability: Reduced price is applicable at all Aavin milk booths and authorized retail outlets across Tamil Nadu.
Broader Impact
Aavin’s decision to lower the price of ghee is expected to benefit a wide range of consumers, from households looking to prepare festive delicacies to businesses and caterers needing ghee in larger quantities. By providing these savings, Aavin continues to support local traditions and enhance its role as a key player in the state’s dairy industry.
The price reduction is also reflective of Aavin’s ongoing efforts to manage production costs effectively and pass on the benefits to consumers. The company’s commitment to quality and affordability remains a cornerstone of its operations, ensuring that its products are both high-quality and accessible.
Key Takeaways:
- Consumer Benefit: Lower price of ghee provides significant savings for households and businesses.
- Support for Festivals: Discounts are timed to coincide with major regional festivals, supporting traditional celebrations.
- Extended Validity: Price reduction valid for over a month, giving ample time for consumers to take advantage of the offer.
Aavin’s initiative not only aligns with its tradition of seasonal discounts but also underscores its dedication to serving the community and maintaining a strong connection with local traditions.