The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has filed a formal complaint with the BBC regarding the portrayal of bovine tuberculosis in a recent documentary by Queen guitarist Brian May, citing inaccuracies and lack of balance.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), a leading organization representing farmers and growers across England, has filed an official complaint with the BBC over a recent documentary by Queen guitarist Brian May on bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB). The documentary, titled “Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me,” aired on BBC Two on August 23, 2024, and has sparked controversy due to its portrayal of the disease and its management. AHDB, a statutory levy board in the UK, works to improve farm business efficiency, develop export markets, and advocate for the agricultural industry, is challenging the documentary’s claims as part of its ongoing efforts to ensure balanced and informed public discussions on agricultural practices.

Complaint Details

AHDB raised several concerns with the BBC prior to the broadcast, citing a “lack of balance” in the documentary’s presentation of key issues. The organization highlighted four main points of contention:

  1. Badger Role in Bovine TB Spread: The documentary claims that badgers play no part in the spread of bovine TB, a stance that AHDB argues contradicts scientific evidence.
  2. Portrayal of New Approaches: The documentary suggests that the approaches shown, particularly those involving Brian May, are novel, which AHDB disputes.
  3. Effectiveness of Government Policy: The film criticizes current government policies, including culling, as ineffective. AHDB contends that this does not accurately reflect the complexity of the issue.
  4. Collaboration Claims: The documentary implies that Brian May is the sole figure attempting to work collaboratively on the issue, a point AHDB argues overlooks the broader collaborative efforts by other stakeholders.

AHDB also noted that the farm featured in the documentary, which partnered with Brian May to remove bovine TB from its herd, suffered three significant TB breakdowns after filming ended in 2019. This fact was reportedly communicated to the documentary makers before airing.

Factual Discrepancies

Upon reviewing the final version of the documentary, AHDB identified several factual inaccuracies, including:

  • Ineffectiveness of the Badger Cull: The documentary suggests that the badger cull has not worked, a statement that AHDB disputes based on available data.
  • Role of Badgers in TB Spread: The film implies that badgers do not contribute to the spread of bovine TB, contrary to scientific research.
  • TB Trends in Devon: The documentary claims that bovine TB has not declined in Devon over the past five years, a point AHDB challenges with data showing contradictory trends.
  • Eradication of TB at Gatcombe Farm: It is claimed in the documentary that the herd at Gatcombe Farm was completely free of bovine TB, which AHDB argues is not supported by subsequent TB breakdowns.

AHDB has shared what it describes as “contradictory, robust evidence” with the BBC and awaits a response. The organization has assured its levy payers that it will provide updates on the outcome of this complaint once the BBC responds.

This complaint highlights ongoing tensions between different stakeholders regarding the management and communication of bovine TB in the UK, an issue with significant implications for public policy and agricultural practices.

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