Mars, Incorporated has unveiled its “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative, committing $47 million over three years to tackle the carbon footprint of its dairy supply chain. This initiative is part of Mars’ broader climate strategy, which aims to cut carbon emissions across its entire value chain by 50% by 2030. With dairy production being a major source of greenhouse gas emissions for Mars, the focus includes improving feed ingredients, managing manure more efficiently, and adopting regenerative agricultural practices.

Mars, Incorporated, a global leader in snacking, food, and pet care products, is renowned for its diverse portfolio of brands, including Mars, Snickers, M&M’s, Pedigree, and Whiskas. Founded in 1911, Mars operates in over 80 countries and employs more than 130,000 associates worldwide. The company’s mission is to create a better world through its products and practices, emphasizing sustainable growth and responsibility. Mars has committed to ambitious environmental goals, including reducing its carbon footprint and improving the sustainability of its supply chains. The “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative aligns with Mars’ broader climate strategy, which includes investing over $1 billion over the next three years to drive significant climate action and reduce its overall environmental impact.

Background and Goals

The “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative is part of Mars’ broader climate-related goals, which were announced last year. The company has set ambitious targets to cut carbon emissions across its entire value chain by 50% by 2030. To achieve these goals, Mars has committed to investing over $1 billion in climate action over the next three years.

Dairy production is a significant contributor to Mars’ greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for the second-largest share after raw ingredients, which make up over 70% of the company’s total emissions. Mars sources dairy from more than 200,000 cows across 1,000 farms, making the reduction of dairy-related emissions a critical component of its sustainability strategy.

Focus Areas

Mars has outlined several strategic focus areas to tackle the carbon footprint of its dairy supply chain:

1. Improving Feed Ingredients

  • Methane Reduction: Mars is collaborating with dairy producers to enhance the nutritional profile of feed ingredients. This involves developing and incorporating new feed components that help reduce methane production from cows. By optimizing the feed, Mars aims to lower enteric methane emissions, a significant contributor to greenhouse gases in dairy farming.
  • Innovative Partnerships: Mars has engaged in partnerships with organizations such as Fonterra and Sea Forest to test seaweed-based feed supplements. These supplements are known to decrease methane emissions from cows’ digestion, showcasing Mars’ commitment to exploring innovative feed solutions.

2. Manure Management

  • Efficient Practices: The initiative includes projects focused on more efficient manure management. This involves implementing technologies and practices that minimize the emissions from manure, such as advanced composting techniques and manure treatment systems. Effective manure management is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the overall sustainability of dairy farming.
  • Pilot Projects: Mars is working with partners to develop and test new manure management technologies. These pilot projects aim to create scalable and economically viable solutions that can be widely adopted by dairy farms to manage manure more sustainably.

3. Regenerative Agricultural Practices

  • Sustainable Feed Production: Mars is targeting feed production with regenerative agricultural practices to enhance the sustainability of dairy feed crops. This includes promoting soil health, reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers, and increasing biodiversity within feed production systems.
  • Long-Term Goals: By integrating regenerative agriculture practices, Mars aims to improve the environmental impact of feed crop cultivation, leading to healthier soils, better water management, and reduced carbon footprints.

4. Pilot Projects and Collaborations

  • Net Zero Dairy Farms: In collaboration with Germany’s DMK Group, Mars has launched a five-year project to establish pilot “net zero” dairy farms. This initiative focuses on applying new science and technology to create scalable pathways for achieving net zero emissions in dairy farming.
  • Sustainable Dairy Development Program: Mars is also partnering with Dutch-based dairy cooperative FrieslandCampina on a Sustainable Dairy Development Program. This program supports sustainable dairy practices and aims to improve the environmental performance of dairy farms.

Through these focus areas, Mars aims to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of its dairy supply chain, drive innovation in sustainable dairy farming, and contribute to the broader goal of climate action.

Global Partnerships and Pilot Projects

Mars is collaborating with farmers and partners worldwide to develop and test pilot technologies and interventions aimed at reducing emissions. Key partnerships and projects include:

  • DMK Group: Launching three pilot “net zero” dairy farms in Germany. This five-year project aims to implement new science and technology to create scalable and economically viable pathways to net zero dairy.
  • FrieslandCampina: Partnering on a Sustainable Dairy Development Program to promote more sustainable dairy farming practices.
  • Fonterra and Sea Forest: Exploring the use of SEAFEED, a seaweed food supplement trial that reduces methane emissions from cows.
  • Interfood and Mlekovita: Launching one of Poland’s first and largest Boiler feed additive projects, aiming to reduce methane production.

Commitment to Sustainability

Mars’ “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative underscores the company’s deep commitment to environmental sustainability and climate action. The initiative is designed to drive substantial progress in reducing the carbon footprint of dairy production and enhancing the sustainability of the dairy supply chain. Here’s how Mars is reinforcing its commitment:

1. Substantial Investments

  • Financial Commitment: Mars is investing $47 million over three years into the initiative, reflecting its serious dedication to climate action and sustainability. This significant financial backing is directed toward innovative projects and partnerships that aim to reduce emissions and improve dairy farming practices.
  • Direct Support to Farmers: Mars is channelling funds directly to farmers through contracts, enabling them to adopt climate-smart practices and technologies. This support helps farmers make necessary changes to their operations, such as improving feed efficiency and manure management, which directly contributes to emission reductions.

2. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Innovative Pilot Projects: Mars has partnered with leading organisations and experts, such as DMK Group, FrieslandCampina, Fonterra, and Sea Forest, to launch pilot projects focused on emission reduction and sustainable practices. These collaborations are critical for testing and scaling new technologies and methods that can make a significant impact on the dairy industry’s environmental footprint.
  • Global Reach: By working with international partners and implementing projects across different regions, Mars is ensuring that the benefits of its sustainability efforts are widely shared and that best practices are developed and adopted globally.

3. Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices

  • Feed Ingredient Innovation: Mars is investing in research and development to enhance feed ingredients that reduce methane emissions. This includes exploring new additives and formulations that can make dairy feed more efficient and sustainable.
  • Manure Management Technologies: The initiative supports advanced manure management systems that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve waste management. This includes investing in technologies that optimise manure processing and minimise environmental impact.

4. Long-Term Goals and Impact

  • Pathway to Net Zero: Mars is dedicated to achieving long-term sustainability goals, including contributing to net zero emissions in dairy production. The pilot projects and partnerships are designed to create scalable solutions that can be implemented widely across the dairy industry.
  • Industry Transformation: Through its “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative, Mars is not only addressing its own supply chain emissions but also setting a benchmark for the industry. The company’s efforts are aimed at transforming the dairy supply chain, encouraging other industry players to adopt similar sustainability practices.

5. Enhancing Environmental Performance

  • Sustainable Dairy Farming: By investing in regenerative agricultural practices and sustainable feed production, Mars is working to enhance the overall environmental performance of dairy farming. This includes improving soil health, water management, and biodiversity within dairy farming systems.
  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: The initiative aims to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of Mars’ dairy supply chain, contributing to the company’s broader climate goals and supporting global efforts to combat climate change.

Mars’ “Moo-ving Dairy Forward” initiative exemplifies the company’s proactive approach to sustainability, highlighting its role in fostering a more environmentally friendly dairy industry. Through strategic investments, innovative partnerships, and a commitment to climate-smart practices, Mars is paving the way for a sustainable future in dairy production.

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